ADMAT's Mission Statement on Maritime Archaeology & Education

Anglo ~ Danish Maritime Archaeological Team, or A.D.M.A.T. for short, is a Specialist Maritime Archaeological Organization, based in England, with a scientific sub division in France, called ADMAT- FRANCE.

ADMAT is a non-profit educational scientific organization. Our aims are:

  • To conduct maritime archaeology in the Caribbean, assisting governments to survey and protect their underwater cultural heritage.
  • To assist volunteer - students to take part in maritime archaeological field excavations and surveys
  • To protect the Underwater Maritime Cultural Heritage. We survey, record and advise on how to protect, shipwrecks from the old European empires.

ADMAT- FRANCE, is the non profit scientific arm of ADMAT; based at the Muséum National  d’Histoire Naturelle at Paris, départememt Préhistoire, UMR-CNRS 7194.

ADMAT is the only non profit organisation operating in the Americas which assists the protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage and encourages students and volunteers to take part. Together we are making a difference!